Garbhini Paricharya (Antenatal Care)

Garbhini Paricharya

The journey of a human begins in the mother’s womb. The pregnancy is a life changing event for both the mother and the child which leaves a huge impact for the rest of their lives. Garbhini (Pregnant lady) is said to be carrying two lives in one body. When the tiny new human body starts developing inside the womb it entirely depends on the mother for its nourishment. 

Ayurveda states that the Purusha (Human body) grows from the Ahara (Food). So, the mother should be careful in choosing her food or involving in actions to cater for the well-being besides the growth and development of the fetus.

Rajeshwari Ayurdhama offers ‘Garbhini Paricharya’, an ayurvedic prenatal treatment for pregnant women. A proper prenatal care would result in the proper and healthy development of the baby and safe delivery.

What is Garbhini Paricharya?

‘Garbhini’ refers to ‘Pregnant woman’ and ‘Paricharya’ refers to ‘Ideal protocol’. It is a systematic supervision of a woman during pregnancy for the overall development of the mother and the baby. A prenatal care in ayurveda constitutes Ahara (Diet), Oushadha (Medications), Paramarsha (Counselling), Vihara (Lifestyle), Sambhashana (Preparing for safe delivery – Sukha Prasava) both mentally and physically. 

The Garbhini Paricharya or the antenatal/ prenatal care in ayurveda has three important parts.

  • Garbhasth Paka – Protecting and maintaining the garbha (foetus)
  • Garbhopaghathabavakas – Avoiding of diet and actions that may harm the pregnancy
  • Masanumasik Prakriya – Monthly regimen that has to be followed throughout the pregnancy 

As a general rule, the ayurvedic therapists are cautioned to handle the first and last trimester of pregnancy very carefully. Ayurvedic prenatal treatment for Garbhini Paricharya describes specific rules regarding the diet, activities, behaviour, mental activity of the pregnant lady.

Pregnancy Care in Ayurveda

This is accomplished through three phases

  • Treatment techniques
  • Spices for decontaminating male and female gametes
  • Giving mental tranquility to accomplishing origination.

Garbhini Paricharya – A Comprehensive Care of a Pregnant Women

A pregnant woman comes with a unique set of challenges as much as she waits eagerly to meet the little one. So, it is important to pay attention to the bodily changes and make minor alterations to her lifestyle too. The practice of Garbhini Paricharya in ayurveda consists of practices which comprises the diet, lifestyle and psychological aspects to ensure the well-being of the mother and the child.

Recommended Dietary Regimen for Various Months

According to the Garbhini Paricharya regimen, there is a set of food that would be recommended and behaviour that is encouraged for the healthy development of the fetus or baby as well as the welfare of the mother. Different foods are prescribed for each month for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy child.

  • 1st and 2nd month – It is vital to include milk and ghee in the diet as much as possible. This regimen for the Garbhini Paricharya is not only for the sake of the child but also strengthens the mother’s bones. The pregnant women can include sweet, cold and liquid foods like fresh fruit juices. Also, an herbal massage is given to help the mother relax during this period.
  • 3rd and 4th month – Butter is a staple food during this period. During the prenatal care in ayurveda, a variety of rice called Shashtika rice with curd is also recommended. The non-vegetarian Garbhinis can eat meat that is not too heavy.
  • 5th and 6th month – Ghee which is extracted from butter is significant during this period. It is a must to include Shashtika rice with milk besides other staples which involves sweetened rice prepared in milk and rice gruel prepared in milk. These foods are for Garbhini Paricharya in ayurveda to ensure that the mother gets enough iron and calcium to strengthen her body.
  • 7th and 8th month – It is recommended to include ghee that is prepared with sweet tasting medicated herbs because it helps for the proper growth and development of the foetus. A sweet dish made with ghee, Ghuratkhanda is a staple during the ayurvedic prenatal treatment. For non-vegetarians, soups made from different meats can be included in their diet.
  • 9th month – This is the last month of pregnancy and during this time, much importance is given for Garbhini Paricharya  to ensure a smooth delivery of the child. Rice gruel should be given to the mother besides other staple foods. Unctuous enema will be prepared using a group of sweet herbs and administered to the mother. This same solution has to be given to mothers in the form of vaginal tampons to lubricate the vaginal canal and uterus. During this ayurvedic prenatal treatment, baths with cold herbal decoctions are also recommended. 

Benefits of Garbhini Paricharya in Ayurveda

The monthly regimen and lifestyle followed during the very potent prenatal care in Ayurveda offers several benefits that include:

  • Softens the cervix, pelvis, sides of the chest, waist, back and foetal membranes for Garbhini Paricharya to help in the process of smooth and easy delivery.
  • Aids the mother in the downward movement of Vata (Vataanulomana) which is needed for normal expulsion to easily expel the faeces, urine and the placenta in the right area during delivery.
  • Promotes strength and complexion of the mother and the child besides nourishing the mother’s breast to ensure that the breast milk is nutritious.
  • Maintains a healthy diet because Garbhini Paricharya in ayurveda mostly consists of liquids where mothers who experience nausea and morning sickness will be able to follow the to ensure they receive the right nutrients.
  • Helps in easy delivery at a proper time as desired with an excellent and healthy child possessing all the characteristics of a healthy life.

Contradictions during pregnancy

The objective of all Garbhini Paricharya in ayurveda is to preserve optimum health based on the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. It is better to take the below mentioned habits seriously during the prenatal care in ayurveda. Some of them include:

  • Avoid excessive heavy to digest, hot and pungent food substances 
  • Avoid intoxicating substances like wine
  • Avoid excessive use of meat which obstructs body channels
  • Avoid dried, stale, wet and putrefied food
  • Avoid polluted and incompatible food
  • Avoid pulses, edibles which cause burning sensation in the abdomen, heavy or sour substances, garlic, onion and hot milk.

Additionally, ayurvedic prenatal treatment suggests to avoid performing harsh or violent activities, riding bicycle in an uneven path, doing heavy exercises, sleeping in day time, sleepless nights, suppression of natural urges, prolonged stay near fire or in the hot sun, fasting, eating clay, and lifting heavy weights.

However, our experts in Rajeshwari Ayurdhama know very well that not only the food and environment play a vital role for the Garbhini Paricharya in the foetal development but also maternal psychic impressions have a major impact on a growing foetus.

Activities to be avoided

  • Unforgiving or savage exercises
  • Ride over vehicle running on lopsided way
  • Coitus
  • Work out
  • Resting in day time
  • Awakening in night
  • Hunching down stance of sitting(utkatakasanam)
  • Concealment of regular inclinations

Read also Shishu Paricharya

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