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Best Vamana Treatment in Bangalore

If you are prescribed Vamana therapy by an ayurvedic doctor, it means he/she is planning to induce a controlled vomiting in you. Controlled vomiting means it is planned, induced and vomiting is expected to happen for a definite amount of time and is then planned to stop.

What is Vamana in Ayurveda?

Vaman is one among the five therapies of Ayurvedic Panchakarma. Vamana in Ayurveda refers to therapeutic vomiting which is performed through medicated emesis to reduce aggravated Kapha dosha and dislodge toxins from the respiratory as well as the gastrointestinal tract. This Vamana ayurvedic treatment is done for curative and preventive purposes.

It is believed that Vamana has various seasons to create a big influence on the aggravation of doshas forex. Kapha increases in spring season (Hemant), Pitta aggravates in winter season (Sharada) and Vata in summer season (Greeshma). So, anyone should go for Vamana ayurvedic treatment during the spring season as it works well as a preventive therapy to cure the disorders related to Kapha.

Who Can Take Vamana Therapy?

The Vamana ayurvedic treatment is suitable for an individual suffering with – fever, diarrhoea, pitta imbalance in the lower part of the abdomen, cough, cold, asthma, chronic respiratory disorder, bleeding disorder due to pitta imbalance, diabetes, urinary tract disorders, skin diseases with burning and itching sensation such as herpes, disorders of goitre, thyroid, fibroid and tumour, schizophrenia, indigestion, nausea.

Also, anyone who has Kapha disorders affecting the ear, nose, eyes, throat and neck, obesity, heaviness of the body, anaemia, fatigue, weakness, inadequate or excessive sleep, impotency, drowsiness, and loss of strength and complexion in spite of taking a healthy and nutritious diet can go for the Vamana Therapy.

Signs of Proper Vamana

The signs of proper Vamana ayurvedic treatment include the following:

  1. Absence of too much pain
  2. Manifestation of the vomiting urges in time
  3. Elimination of Doshas in proper order without any hindrance
  4. The urge of vomiting recedes on its own
  5. Cessation of vomit bouts on its own with a calmness of mind
  6. Absence of features of inadequate bouts
  7. Not feeling too much discomfort.

On the other hand, in Atiyoga- excess bouts, the vomiting materials will look frothy, with glistering particles and blood and also the patient will experience burning sensation, weakness, giddiness, dryness of the throat, powerful disease of Vata origin and discharge of life supporting blood which can cause even death.

Procedure of Vamana Ayurvedic Treatment

Vaman is executed in order to eliminate the excess of mucus from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract which usually causes an excess of Kapha.

Pre. Therapy Procedure: 

Before executing Vamana ayurvedic treatment, the patient is given Kapha aggravating food like sweets, yogurt, and basmati rice in the prior night. This is done to enhance the kapha so that there are possibilities to get it eliminated forcefully from the system. Then the patient is advised to take a hot water bath.

During the Vamana Therapy

Vamana in ayurveda includes a drink using the drugs: licorice, madanaphala, and calamus root tea. This drink will trigger the vomiting sensation in the patient and if the bouts don’t come up easily, he should tickle his throat continuously and his umbilical region and back must be massaged in the upward direction. Then, the patient has to wait for one Muhurta – 48 minutes for commencing with vomiting with a keen intent. In this way, the patient will have to expel the whole Kapha out and will feel lighter and better after some time.

Post Therapy: 

The patient will be asked to take complete rest and will be given light food. After the treatment, it is recommended for the patient to do fasting because the whole system has undergone a heavy work.

Diet Regimen After Vamana Ayurvedic Treatment

The diet regimen after the Vamana therapy is also known as ‘Samsarjana Krama’. The patient should be given a warm gruel (Manda) which is prepared with well-cooked rice. The gruel should be very thin and should be given for three meal-times with regard to the power of digestion. For the fourth meal-time, the gruel has to be prepared with Vilepi (rice), well-cooked, warm and devoid of ghee/oil and salt altogether in small quantities. Warm water has to be given after the intake of gruel.

The same type of diet regimen for Vamana ayurvedic treatment has to be followed for the fifth and sixth meal-times. For the seventh meal-time, well-cooked Odana (porridge) is prepared with the same type of rice along with a very thin gram soup (Mudga Yusha) added with ghee/oil and salt in small quantities. Warm water has to be given after intaking the porridge.

This should also be repeated for the eighth and ninth meal-times. For the tenth meal-time, Mamsarasa (thin meat-soup) should be prepared with water and salt. This is again repeated for the eleventh and twelfth meal-times. Then, the patient can take food with different tastes and can start with the normal diet from the seventh night.

Benefits of Vamana Ayurvedic Treatment

The benefits of Vamana in Ayurveda are numerous. Some of them include:

  1. The aggressive and vitiated Kapha dosha is expelled out of the body which leads to the cure of the disease
  2. The metabolism and digestive activity get enhanced
  3. The sense organs, intelligence, mind and complexion get clear and regains strength
  4. It improves nourishment and boosts immunity
  5. It increases the chance of virility, fertility and sexual power.
  6. The Vamana ayurvedic treatment gives a feeling of lightness in the chest.
  7. It aids to slow down the aging process.
  8. It helps to lead a prolonged lifestyle.
  9. It clears the sinus and provides relief from congestion, wheezing and breathlessness. 
  10. There is a great relief from asthma or skin related problems like psoriasis
  11. Weight reduction and decrease in cholesterol and triglycerides level is possible in the Vamana ayurvedic treatment.
  12. It is highly beneficial to overcome pitta headache, and dizziness.

Risks and Complications of Vamana

The following risks and complications arise due to over administration or inadequate administration of the Vamana ayurvedic treatment.

  1. Distension of abdomen
  2. Salivation
  3. Palpitation
  4. Sawing type of pain
  5. Rigidity
  6. Blood vomiting
  7. Stiffness
  8. Exhaustion
  9. Displacement of viscera of the body

Moreover, Vamana ayurvedic treatment is not advised for children below 12 years of age and people who are aged above 65. During menstruation, Post Pregnancy Ayurvedic Care, also the delicate and sensitive people with great fear, anxiety or anguish should not take the Vamana therapy.


To conclude, it is a must for people with Kapha body type to undergo the Vamana ayurvedic treatment occasionally in the best ayurvedic treatment centre in Bangalore like the Rajeshwari Ayurdhama. Even for other people, naturally, the Kapha Dosha aggravated during the spring season. At that time, Vamana is recommended as a part of spring cleansing to all.

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