Post Pregnancy Ayurvedic Care in Bangalore

The joy of motherhood comes when you hold your little one in your arms for the very first time leaving behind all the emotional, physical and mental strain you have been through. But if you think that the vigilance you exhibited of your health during pregnancy is done and now you don’t have to take […]
How Ayurveda Can Support Your Skincare Routine

Acne breakouts, dark circles, pigmentation, inflammation, dry skin, and whatnot! It’s a never-ending list when you consider the skin problems. A healthy skin depends on your lifestyle practices, diet, and a regular skincare routine which is suitable as your skin type. Internal imbalances can affect the skin’s health. The skin ayurveda treatment brings out the […]
Best Ayurvedic Cosmetology Treatment for Pimples and Acne Scars

Whenever you get a pimple or acne scars on your face, you get one more reason to worry. No one would want a face full of acne and pimples but most of the time, the occurrence of pimples is attributed to natural reasons and you cannot have a control over it fully. They are related […]
Best 7 Days Ayurvedic Diet Plan for Healthy and Active

When comes to a healthy life; maintaining a good lifestyle is a must!! Nowadays most people are inclined to become more health conscious. Therefore, most are preferring to have a healthy Ayurvedic Diet Plan to get a healthy mind and a healthy body. There is saying early to bed!! Early rising makes a man healthy […]
7 Things You Must Know About Ayurvedic Treatment in Bangalore

Ayurveda is an ancient medical system in India. The word ‘Ayurveda’ is derived from two words ‘Ayur’ which means life and ‘Veda’ which means science or knowledge. All ayurvedic treatments work on three basic principles or doshas namely the Vata, Pitta and Kapha. You should know that taking the best ayurvedic treatment in Bangalore can […]
How to Choose the Best Panchakarma Centre in Bangalore

Are you looking for a powerful, supportive, and transformative Panchakarma treatment Centre in Bangalore? To make sure that you will have the most positive detox retreat possible, it is important to find an ayurvedic centre in Bangalore like the Rajeshwari Ayurdhama where the expert therapists can customize and modify your protocols, address your particular health […]
Best Ayurvedic Spa in Bangalore

The principal ethos of all the ayurvedic massage and Ayurveda spa therapy are focused around the wellness of your mind and body. Our sole purpose in Rajeshwari Ayurdhama, the Best Ayurvedic Spa in Bangalore lies in bringing a charming and reviving experience to keep your spirit and body healthier. Since ancient times, there have been […]
Best Ayurvedic Center in Bangalore

Ayurveda is a practice of the ancient lifestyle to create harmony and wellness within the body. The best Ayurvedic center in Bangalore works on the fundamental belief of Ayurvedic practice ‘dosha’ to maintain the ‘doshic balance’ where ‘dosha’ is a unique mix of energies ‘vata’, ‘pitta’ and ‘kapha’ which is similar to the western idea […]