Panchakarma is derived from “Pancha” means five and “Karma” means actions. In Ayurveda this means the five detox procedures. All of these ensure that the toxins and pathogens are eliminated from the body. The Panchakarma treatments has preventive, curative and rejuvenation actions.
Prevention of disease and promoting health Restores the doshas to their natural equilibrium in turn enhancing the patient’s sense of well being Relives stress, improves sleep Improves immunity Rejuvenates the body Improves the skin glow Strengthens hair and nails It removes toxins out of the body Improves metabolism Nourishes the body Cleanses body and mind
Vamana Karma: Therapeutically induced vomiting Virechana Karma: Therapeutically induced purgation Basti Karma: Medicated enemas which includes decoction and oil enema Nasya Karma: Administration of medicine through nasal drops Raktamookshana: Bloodletting therapies
Poorva Karma Purvakarma is derived from the words “ Purva” which means preparatory and “Karma” means action. At this stage the body is prepared for treatment by loosening toxins and excess doshas, these toxins are channelized and collected for easy removal from the body. This treatment prepares the patient mentally and physically for the main procedure of Panchakarma.
Pradhanakarma (main treatment) is the stage after Purvakarma during which the toxins are purged. Pradhanakarma is continued until the toxins are removed from the body. Certain techniques require medicines to stay in the system for a longer duration to revitalize the system.
This is a post-therapy dietary regime to restore the body’s digestive and absorptive capacity to its normal state. It includes rejuvenating treatments, lifestyle management, diet management, and intake of ayurvedic medicines.
Samsarjan Karma –Certain diet which needs to be followed after pradhana karma, aims at gradually increasing the patient’s diet from liquids to semi-solids to a normal diet. Shaman Chikitsa – a pacification therapy with internal medicines and lifestyle management. Rasayan Adi Prayogam – a rejuvenating therapy which aids in increasing natural immunity and enhancing the general well-being.
Phone +91 80684 48914 +91 82173 68304 +91 81470 42415 Email rajeshwariayurdhama@gmail.com Address #607, ”Revi Nenapu”, 7th Main road, Havanoor Extn, Near Hesaraghatta Main Road, Bengaluru – 560073. Opening Hours Mon – Sun 10:00 am to 8:00